Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Happened to Your Blog?

Okay so I succumbed to the pressure (pressure from myself) and deleted my blog. Sad but true.

I saw this story on KSL Channel 5 news and it stressed me out. I understand that their are millions of blogs in the world and why would someone want to steal photos, or info from mine BUT what if it did happen!? I read some of the 55 comments on KSL's website about this topic and a lot of IT/tech savvy people were commenting on how naive us "Moms" are to think what we put on the internet will only be viewed by people we want! They also said info learned from our blogs could give Creeps info about our family. They could approach our kids and say "Hey I heard you got a new puppy! You looked great as Spiderman on Halloween..." etc. Just creepy...

The story ends with some advice on how to keep your blog safe. The #1 item was "Don't post pictures of your kids" Well hello? What is the point of a blog if I don't post about my kids!!!

So I'm totally sad and over-reactive but now I will have a bit more time on my hands :) Maybe I'll start catching up on photo albumns or reading. I have loved re-connecting with lots of friends and family through blogs and I will still be checking and commenting on all of yours!!!

Love your ridiculous, paranoid, worry-wort friend...Jen


Johansen Family said...

Sad Sad, Jen please keep in touch! Can people still get in if you go private?

Jen said...

I don't know for sure but I've heard that going private isn't fool-proof. I guess nothing ever is right!?!?!?

Kendra said...

I somehow knew you would do it :) I'll be sad not to check it every day. I'll be especially sad not to see cute baby pictures in a few months :( Your peace of mind is worth it, though.

cjanddiane said...

We'll have to e-mail to keep in touch! I am so sad :( Although I do agree with it not being the safest thing in the world. It's too bad there are such creeps out there that ruin things like this for everyone else.